- PHP, PHPUnit
Avoiding mocking libraries
While struggling to find a way to avoid complex and complicated mocking of certain objects I encountered an easier way to mock certain objects using anonymous classes.
- PHP, Symfony, Sonata
Removing and adding objects to the CollectionType in Sonata
When working with a project in Sonata, I came across an issue where adding and removing objects from the CollectionType field within an admin block just didn't work. Here's what I did to get this to work.
- PHP, Zend Framework
Implementing a dependency injection container in Zend Framework 1
I've been working on improving a legacy application that was built in Zend Framework 1. In order to improve the overall structure of the code, and to be able to factor out Zend_Registry and other static methods we wanted to add a DIC (Dependency Injection Container).
- PHP, composer
Overriding dependencies in Composer
Recently I encountered a bug in an open-source library I was using in a project. Like a good citizen, I fixed the bug and submitted a pull request. However it takes some time until the pull request is actually merged and available in a release of this library.