Removing and adding objects to the CollectionType in Sonata

Recently I've worked on an application written with the Sonata bundle for Symfony. Within this application I needed to make use of the CollectionType within an admin class. I also needed to be able to add and remove objects to this collection. This is where i encountered an issue. Adding or removing objects didn't work. When trying to remove objects, this did work but the orphaned object remained in the database. When adding an object, I got the error A new entity was found through the relationship.

Underneath I'll use the example of a slider which contains slides. In the slider admin form within Sonata, you should be able to add and remove slides.

When browsing through the internet, I found the following solutions: In order to be able to add new objects (Slide), you need to set cascade={"persist"} on your relationship within your entity (Slider):

* @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
* @ORM\OneToMany(
*     targetEntity="Slide",
*     fetch="EAGER",
*     cascade={"persist"},
*     mappedBy="slider"
* )
* @ORM\OrderBy({"order" = "ASC"})
private $slides;

In order to remove orphaned objects (Slide), you should set the orphanRemoval=trueoption within your entity (Slider):

* @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
* @ORM\OneToMany(
*     targetEntity="Slide",
*     fetch="EAGER",
*     cascade={"persist"},
*     mappedBy="slider",
*     orphanRemoval=true
* )
* @ORM\OrderBy({"order" = "ASC"})
private $slides;

For me both solutions didn't work. What I eventually did to solve the issue was within my Admin Class (sliderAdmin), adding the following code:

public function prePersist($slider)

/** @param Slider $slider */
public function preUpdate($slider)
  /* Create unexisting slides */
  foreach($slider->getSlides() as $slide) {
    if(null === $slide->getId()) {

  /* remove orphans */
  $slides = $this->getForm()->get('slides')->getIterator();
  foreach ($slides as $slide) {
    $entity = $slide->getData();
    if(null === $entity->getSlider()) {

First of all it does the same actions before persisting and before updating the entity (Slider). We loop through the submitted object (Slider)) it's children (Slide) and check if the id is null. If the id is null, we know that this is a new child (Slide) within the relationship and we create it.

After this we loop through the forms slide fields. This contains all slides that are visible on the form. We need to do this, because when looping through the object (Slider) it's children (Slide), the removed children (Slide) wouldn't be contained in the loop. When looping through the slides in the form, we retrieve the data (entity) for the child (Slide) and check if the parent object (Slider) is null. If this is the case the child (Slide) has been removed from the object (Slider) and can be safely deleted.

The above is possible because in our removeSlide function in our entity Slider, we remove the reference to the slider:

public function removeSlide(Slide $slide) {